Monday, December 24, 2007

Lead Management Process; Inquiry to Sales Ready


This Blog will be dedicated to open discussions and commentary regarding best-practices in the Lead Management Process and Sales/Marketing alignment. My practical findings and experience working in Sales-Marketing for Fortune 500's such as Kodak and Xerox, .bomb start-up's, and mid-cap public companies over the past 12-years had led me to the conclusion tha a great un-tapped potential exists inside most marketing and sales organizations. The alternative to my conclusion is that I simply worked for (5) consistently underperforming organizations in the area of Lead Management, which I believe not to be the case.

For purposes of focus, greatest impact, (and to leverage my knowledge base/experience) this Blog will be focused on the B2B marketplace, where a single lost, ignored, mis-handled lead can cost an organization tens 0f millions of dollars.

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